

  • Brand Positioning
  • Creative Product Packaging
  • Illustrations
  • Content Communication
  • Social Media Launch
  • Outdoor Media
  • Collateral Design
  • Investor Presentaion

Zappfresh is an online meat deli platform. LMC, an advertising agency, did complete brand revamp.

The moment we heard about Zappfresh, we knew it would be a lot of fun working on it. With amazing clients, we got complete creative freedom and the results were exceptional. Hope you enjoy the presentation as much as we did designing it.

The brand

Zappfresh approached Lopamudra to better convey the quality of its products. We decided to ditch the clichés and introduce a sense of humor pronounced to drive interest from meat-lovers. Hence, characterization of The Involved Chicken, The Loyal Goat, and The Dependable Fish & Seafood was conceptualized and integrated into the product packaging design to make people comfortable with eating meat. The irony used here made all the difference and the rest, they say, is history.

Zappfresh Chicken
Zappfresh Mutton
Zappfresh Pork
zappfresh packaging

What We Delivered

LMC strategized the positioning ‘Fresh meat. Delivered’ which addressed the audience concern for quality underlined by authenticity. As part of the brand revamp, creative packaging was an agenda that adopted international packing standards. The cover design was complemented by a clean, modern and engaging visual language. We also delivered outdoor media advertising, collateral design, investor presentations and launched the brand on social media.