Categories: Digital

Top Marketing Technology to Convert the Z Generation

When the brilliant physicist Stephen Hawking passed away recently, millions across the globe mourned his loss. It was he who famously said, “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”.

His statement could not be truer for the world we live in. We’re experiencing change at a pace faster than ever before, and this applies even more to younger generations. Today, if any marketing company or digital agency in India is not on the same wavelength as the post-millennial Z generation, they’re going to be missing out (FOMO, anyone?).

Be Here Now

The Z generation (young people born between 1995 and 2009) aren’t averse to technology like Gen Xers or some older millennials are. They live very much in the now. That’s evident from their unfettered use of Snapchat and Instagram. The best brands and marketing companies in India should learn how to leverage these platforms optimally, and celebrate real-time interaction and the sharing of stories and photographs with a young audience.

Don’t Wait, Just Livestream It

Did you know that Gen Z is more likely to stream content than their parents? For them, watching TV refers to streaming something online. In keeping with the previous tip on celebrating the present moment, social media marketing companies in Delhi should get used to live-streaming events. Gen Z doesn’t want to be fed an edited and photo shopped version of life; they want to co-create with you. A forward-thinking digital marketing agency in Delhi should understand the way they think.

Self-Service Is The Highest Form of Self-Expression

Generation Z believes in being self-sufficient. Unlike their parents, they’d rather not be served, especially not by other humans! Allow them to do things themselves and participate. If you can’t do that, then choose automation as the next best alternative. This generation isn’t as averse to having robots and algorithms do things for them, unlike older generations.

Reality Check? Try Virtual Or Augmented Instead

Remember the days when the words ‘virtual’ and ‘real’ were opposites of each other? Well, that’s no longer the case. Stepping into the worlds of virtual or augmented reality is a legitimate experience like any other real-world one. For youngsters and Gen Zers especially, this is the way of the future. You better be keeping up!

Lopamudra Creative Marketing Agency

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