How important creatives are for your Brand?

By October 22, 2018 October 23rd, 2018 Creativity
Creative agency -Branding

What do you mean by a Brand?! Is it the products, or the company? Or is it the stories and advertisements that a company shares with the audience? Coca-Cola sings the songs of happiness, Apple calls the world to innovate, and Google connects the dots for every problem. But HOW do we know all this? It’s the creatives that give a voice to the brands! Here’s how creatives play an important role:

  1. Quick Impact: Good creatives have a quick impact on the audience. They attract the audience in an instance. One glance, and the viewer’s eyeballs get engaged into the advertisement. But if there is an ordinary creative, it would rarely catch the attention of the people. Hence creative agencies use vibrant colors and contrast with various fonts to attract the attention of the potential customers.
  1. Stand-out from the Rest: A brand’s creatives should stand out from the rest. The uniqueness of a creative also represents the uniqueness of the brand’s products and services. The creatives are the voice of the brand, and it should stand out from its competitors to reach the spectrum of the target audience.
  1. First Impression: The creative are the first impression of a brand. It is the first thing a person sees out in the market or online, and that is what helps shape the brand perception among the people. Creative agencies should ensure that the creatives are exceptional and eye-catching creating a brand appeal among the target customers.
  1. Point of Interaction: Because a creative is the first thing a person sees of the brand, it also becomes the first point of interaction. If a person sees the creative on an online platform, and likes it, a conversation starts to build around it. The more a person sees or likes the creatives, the more he will share it with others.
  1. Originality: The creatives also characterize the level of originality for a brand. Until and unless the brand has something novel to showcase, it won’t attract any attention. Hence creative play a vital role in building the brand identity of a company and its products.

At the end of the day, a brand is a personified adjective. Each brand relates to that one word that builds the whole impression around it. The creative should always emulate the brand’s colors, products and services, brand’s identity and brand’s image and convey them to the target audience.

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